Preparation Time: 10 min | Cooking Time: 25 min

2 tbsp oil
1 onion, chopped
400 g IMANA Beef & Onion Flavoured Super Soya Mince
1.5 L water
2 tsp mild curry powder
1 IMANA Chicken Super Stock Cube, crumbled
2 cups frozen mixed vegetables
4 large potatoes, peeled & chopped
500 g butternut, peeled & chopped
50 ml milk

Mix 400 g IMANA Beef & Onion Flavoured Super Soya Mince with 1.5 litres of cold water.
In a pan heat 2 tbsp cooking oil and fry onions for 3 minutes, or until lightly brown.
Add 2 tsp mild curry powder and stir.
Add the mixture of IMANA Beef & Onion Flavoured Super Soya Mince and stir.
Add frozen vegetables, stir and let it cook through for 5 minutes.
Pour the mixture into an oven-proof dish and set aside while you make the topping.
Boil Butternut and potatoes together until soft, then drain.
Mash together hot potatoes and butternut with IMANA Chicken Super Stock Cube and milk until light and fluffy.
Spread the mashed topping over the mince mixture,
Bake in a 180°C oven for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

For a cheesy topping sprinkle half a cup of grated cheese on top of the butternut and potato mash before cooking.